The Best CS:GO Binds Guide
In the next article in our series of CS:GO guides we will now talk about binds. Whether they are relatively simple or rather complex, helpful binds can make a significant difference for any CS:GO player.
What's included in this article?
The goal of this blog article is to introduce our readers to many different useful binds for CS:GO. Whether they are simple or complex binds and toggles, players of any level or experience can take away valuable tips from this article that can help you in real game situations. For all the different examples showcased in this article, some shown in combination with images or short videos to, you can simply replace the placeholder "KEY"
with the actual button you would like this bind to include and then paste the bind itself in your developer console.
Noclip Bind
Noclip is rather well known and basically allows you to fly across the map whenever it is enabled. Please note that the sv_cheats
settings has to be set to 1 in order for noclip to function.
bind "KEY" "noclip"
Rethrow Grenade Bind
By using this bind the last grenade a player threw will be rethrown. Just like with the noclip bind, sv_cheats
will need to be set to 1 for this to work. You could use this bind to rethrow your own grenade when practicing grenades on a local server to get an idea of how a flashbang or smoke grenade will look from the enemies point of view.
bind "KEY" "sv_rethrow_last_grenade"
Clear Decals Bind
This bind utilizes the r_cleardecals
command and combines with it +forward
to create a bind that lets you walk forward in CS:GO, but automatically clears annoying visuals such as bullet holes, residues of explosions and other distracting objects and effects.
This bind is most often used instead of your default key to walk forward in CS:GO, which is W for a lot of players. If that was the case, then every time you were to press W, you would clear all decals and get to enjoy a clean CS:GO experience, which can be the difference between winning and losing a duel.
You don't need to bind this to W in combination with +forward
however: an alternative would be to use r_cleardecals
with +reload
bind "KEY" "+forward; r_cleardecals"

Net_graph visible with Scoreboard
This is another cool little bind for players that want the information provided by CS:GO's net_graph, but find it annoying to have on their screen while playing all the time. By using this bind, you can automatically display your net_graph, but only while viewing the scoreboard.
How to bind it:
net_graph 1;
alias +scorenet "+showscores; net_graphheight 0";
alias -scorenet "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999";
bind "KEY" +scorenet
How to unbind it:
unbind "KEY"; bind "KEY" +showscores

Instant Double Flash Bind
Do you want to throw several flashbangs in a row as quickly as possible? Look no further. Be the best teammate you can possibly be and throw two or, if your teammates dropped you some, three or more flashbangs as fast as technically possible, by clicking this bind whenever you want to do just that.
bind "KEY" use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang
Radar Scale Toggle
It can be quite difficult to find a sweet spot with CS:GO's radar scale setting. Sometimes you want a wide overview over the map and your teammates, but in other scenarios, you might want to have quite precise and detailed information. This bind is designed to solve this problem by providing you with the option to simply toggle between two radar_scale
values (0.8 and 0.3 being example values).
bind "KEY" "toggle cl_radar_scale 0.8 0.3"

Crosshair Toggle Bind for Nade Lineups
Want to align your crosshair better horizontally or vertically to throw advanced grenades? This bind might just be for you. By clicking this bind you can create a really big crosshair, just like shown in the image below.
bind "KEY" "+crosshairsmoke"
alias "-crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 2.5;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -1"
alias "+crosshairsmoke" "cl_crosshairsize 1337;cl_crosshairdot 1;cl_crosshairgap 10"

Volume Toggle
This bind enables you to simply toggle between two master volume values. You could use this in rounds after you have died to have a more chill CS:GO experience and once the round is over, you can just click it again and enjoy your normal sound once again (0 and 0.2 being example values).
"bind "KEY" "toggle volume 0 0.2""
Jumpthrow Bind (advanced)
This one is a classic: the Jumpthrow Bind. This version trumps the standard Jumpthrow bind that simply allows you to jump and throw a grenade at the same time, which is usual for many of the grenades in CS:GO, more recently the meta has shifted towards grenades, that need you to combine it with walking forward. Also, there is some niche grenades that you can only hit by doing a so called Rightclick Jumpthrow, which may not be possible with other Jumpthrow Binds.
We have included two separate binds below: the first one is your standard Jumpthrow bind, but works for Rightclick, as well as Left + Rightclick Jumpthrows, too. The second bind combines the Jumpthrow bind with +forward
so you move forward very slightly, which is exactly what specific grenade types, like some window smokes on Mirage, require you to do and with this bind you can do so consistently.
Jumpthrow - including Rightlick and Left + Rightlick:
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack; -attack2"; alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"; bind "KEY" "+jumpthrow"
Jumpthrow - Walk Jumpthrow (+forward):
alias "+jumpthrow2" "+forward; +jump; -attack; -attack2"; alias "-jumpthrow2" "-jump; -forward"; bind "KEY" "+jumpthrow2"
Toggle Teammate Information Bind
This bind allows you to enable and disable the cl_teamid_overhead_mode
setting in situations that require a high level or visual clarity, which might just make the difference in certain aim fights.
bind "KEY" "toggle cl_teamid_overhead_mode 1 2"
Bomb Drop Bind
This bind automatically drops the bomb from your inventory to the ground, but with the crucial detail of not switching away from the gun you were holding, so you don't get distracted and can simply drop the bomb as smoothly as possible.
bind "KEY" "use weapon_c4; drop;"
Drop all Nades at once Bind
Our last bind might look a bit odd at first, but certainly has some uses cases. On maps like Inferno, it can be useful to have a player drop their full nade set in the beginning of the round and rotate away, as well as stack the other site. Without a designated bind to do exactly that, you would have to individually select each grenade and then drop it one by one. This bind can save you quite a bit of time, which as we know can be significant in CS:GO, especially in the beginning of a round.
bind "KEY" "use weapon_knife;use weapon_flashbang;drop;use weapon_knife;use weapon_molotov;drop;use weapon_knife;use weapon_incgrenade;drop;use weapon_knife;use weapon_smokegrenade;drop;use weapon_knife;use weapon_hegrenade;drop;"