Best Graffitis in CS2 2024
Spraying a Graffiti in CS2 has become a habit for a lot of Players. If it's to celebrate a won clutch or round or just for fun doesn't matter. Here are the best Graffitis in CS2 for you:
1. Welcome to the Clutch
Picture yourself winning a crucial 1v2, all of your mates are watching you, and you nail the last headshot to close the round. What could be a better move to celebrate your actions than spraying this graffiti onto the ground. It also will be really demoralizing for the opponents to be forced to walk past it the next round and be reminded of their loss.
2. Unicorn
What's there to say about this graffiti other than it's a unicorn and there's not a person in the world who does not love unicorns. Definitely a worthy second spot on our list.
3. Easy Peasy
If the message of the first graffiti on our list is something you are looking for, then pay attention to this one as well. Spraying the Easy Peasy Graffiti onto the floor after you win a round should even more demoralizing for the opponents as 'Welcome to the Clutch'.
4. Howling Dawn
If you are a fan of the infamous M4A4 Howl, then this is the right graffiti for you to buy. The flaming design just looks awesome, wether it's on a skin, a sticker or sprayed on the ground as a graffiti.
5. Flickshot
The last graffiti on our list is not only a great wordplay with the word 'flickshot', it also features a really cool design. An often overlooked graffiti that definitely deserves its spot on our list.