Cache is out!

The long-awaited new Cache has been released finally! In this article we'll cover everything you need to know about the CS2 rework of the map.



Cache is out!

Cache Map Overview

Here’s the CS:GO version of the map, and here’s the CS2 version. Right away, you’ll notice subtle layout adjustments and the removal of certain elevated spots, but we’ll dive into those details shortly.

The current CS:GO version is already a remake of an earlier version, which itself was based on a previous iteration. It looked great—perhaps a bit too green. Now, here’s the CS2 version in comparison:

CT Spawn

cache ct spawn
cache ct

Just outside CT spawn, the halls feel very familiar. In terms of gameplay, the elevation has been slightly adjusted, making the jump from Connector to B trickier and requiring a bit more practice.

A Site

cache truck
cache a site
cache a main
cache forklift

Moving towards A, the updated visuals stand out, but the gameplay remains largely unchanged. The electric box has been replaced, similar to earlier modifications, though climbing remains just as easy. There’s also a new opening that allows for fresh lineups for Main without having to run up to the truck, which was more common in CS:GO.

Back at A Main, a major change is the significantly raised ceiling, now featuring open windows for utility use. This wasn’t possible in CS:GO, so it alters gameplay dynamics considerably. Additionally, the crates in the right corner are lower than before, which previously allowed CTs to push through their own A Main smokes to gain vision over enemies—a strategy often countered by Ts pre-firing the angle.

T Spawn

cache t spawn
cache door

T spawn remains nearly identical aside from its visual upgrade. From this angle, it still looks very similar, aside from a small staircase on the left. The truck remains in place, and even the tires on the way to B are still there.

B Site

cache b site
cache b site

Interestingly, some windows in this version are unbreakable, which is a bit odd considering there are small cracks that allow nades to pass through. If you find the right lineups, you can still throw precise utility into the site.

Checkers and B Main feel almost the same in gameplay. However, a notable change in Checkers is that, while self-boosting onto the crates was possible in CS:GO, this version allows an even further jump onto a ledge, providing a fresh new angle.

One noteworthy removal in CS2 is the s1mple graffiti.

Mid and Connector

cache mid
cache connector

A major update is in Connector, where CTs previously had an advantage with a peeking window. This feature was part of the latest CS:GO version, but in CS2, FMPONE, the creator of the map, decided to remove it. However, the crack in the roof remains, allowing utility to be thrown through.

Middle is the centerpiece of the new theme. The redesign features intricate details, a less overpowering green palette, and well-placed color highlights that make certain areas stand out without overwhelming the map’s aesthetics.

That aside, you’ll notice a key change in Middle: a blocked-off corner, which alters how Ts can play the area and makes it less comfortable for them.


cache door
cache door

Door remains mostly untouched when it comes to shape but there are a few minor adjustments like rounding the corners of the doorway. That shouldn't affect gameplay in any shape or form though.